Transformation : Towards a Sustainable Future
A visually inspiring and richly illustrated publication exploring the many dimensions of sustainable development and the power of architecture to address the challenges of sustainability. It examines sustainable architecture within a complex web of ecological, social and cultural perspectives.
Through expert articles the book examines sustainability not only as an ecological issue, but also as a social and cultural one. In addition, the case studies offer solutions to key challenges related to processes of change, such as pollution and waste management,urban navigation, community democracy, energy and materials. The featured projects are from all over the world.
Articles: Hella Hernberg, Bruno Erat, Yrjö Suonto, Pekka Hänninen, Sara Ikävalko, Adrian Campbell, Pooran Desai and Tommi Lindh.
- Author:
- Juulia Kauste, Kristiina Paatero ja Essi Rautiola (toim.)
- Number of pages:
- 160
- Image ratio:
- Runsas värikuvitus
- Published:
- 2013
- ISBN 978-952-5195-44-6
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Museum of Finnish Architecture
25 00 €