In Scale – The World of Architectural Models
large exhibition hall

The main exhibition at the Museum of Finnish Architecture invites people of all ages interested in miniature worlds and architecture to project themselves into a world in miniature. An exhibition of scale models always leaves room for the imagination: exploring scale models does not require any prior skills. To appreciate the significance of the scale model, the observer simply must imagine the building in its real size or see themselves as being small enough to step inside.
In Scale – The World of Architectural Models will feature skilfully built scale models of well-known architectural landmarks as well as of smaller architectural sites, built at different times. The scale models offer a glimpse into the work of architects and demonstrate their numerous uses. The scale models also stand as independent works, fascinating to study in their own right. Particular attention in the exhibition is given to the work of model builder Klaus Stolt, who has had a notable role in the recent development of stylistic trends in Finnish architecture. Might one even say that the techniques of scale model building and the skill of the artisan have influenced the form language of architecture?
Architectural scale models provide an opportunity to reflect on past, present, and future architectural designs. It is in models that unrealized and imaginary designs take on a concrete form. The models encapsulate information about the placement of the buildings in their environment, the proportions, the sense of space and rhythm, and materiality. Imagine if all this could exist for real!
The exhibition is curated by architects Antti Auvinen, Kristian Äijö and Thomas Miyauchi. The exhibition is supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Taike.