Grand Tour Courses 2009–2019: Architecture Student’s Sketches from Italy
Italian architecture has been an enduring source of inspiration for architects for over 2,000 years. For the past decade, the Finnish Institute in Rome has been organizing special courses for architecture students under the title ‘The Grand Tour – the Influence of Classical Antiquity in western architecture’. During the month-long course, students from the architecture faculties of Otaniemi, Oulu and Tampere have gained first-hand insights into Italian architecture from ancient times up to the present by visiting and sketching landmarks all around the country. The MFA’s forthcoming Studio exhibition provides an overview of classic Italian architecture through a compilation of sketches by students who have attended the course.
This tenth anniversary exhibition is co-produced by the Finnish Institute in Rome and the Museum of Finnish Architecture. The ‘Grand Tour’ architecture courses are organized in collaboration with the Waldemar von Frenckell Foundation.