Fill This Space Summer School

During the summer of 2021, the Museum of Finnish Architecture is hosting three separate week-long Fill This Space Summer Schools of Architecture and the Built Environment for 16–20-year-olds. Application was open to all and 30 participants have been selected to take part in the summer school activities in 2021. They take over the Museum of Finnish Architecture’s Studio Space.
During each of the weeks, the summer school participants will have the opportunity to reflect on issues related to architecture and the built environment together with professionals from the fields of museology and architecture, as well as with current architecture students. The summer school activities will be based on co-design and intergenerational learning. Architecture and the built environment will be approached critically, through phenomenon-based and experience-based learning. These topics will also be discussed collectively, using artistic methods.
The processes of the summer school activities will be open to the public in the Museum of Finnish Architecture’s studio space. The studio will transform and be supplemented during the summer.
The summer schools are being organised in cooperation with the You Tell Me collective. The aim of the collective, formed by architecture students, is to promote a change in the way of thinking in the field of construction by utilizing peer learning. The activities have been supported by the Museum of Finnish Architecture’s educational partners.
Through its summer school activities, the Museum of Finnish Architecture will provide resources, space and support for the study of architecture and the built environment. Participation in the summer school is free of charge. Applications for next year’s summer schools will be processed in the spring of 2022.
Summer Schools 2021
During the summer school weeks, the Studio serves as a place for students to work together. It may not be open to the public:
7–11 June, 2021 Summer School 1
14–18 June, 2021 Summer School 2
02–06 August, 2021 Summer School 3