Georg Jägerroos
04.05.1901, Viipuri - 04.11.1956, Helsinki
Architect 1925, Helsinki University of Technology
Before graduating Georg Brynolf Jägerroos worked in the office of Uno Ullberg in Viipuri and in the offices of Armas Lindgren and Väinö Vähäkallio in Helsinki. In 1924 he was employed with the KK consumer co-operative’s building department and held its directorship from 1928 to the postwar years.
In the 1920s Jägerroos made study tours to the Nordic Countries, Germany, Italy, Austria and France. He also travelled to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Jägerroos participated in many architectural competitions, often together with Arne Helander. His best-known works made in employment with the KK are the OTK wholesale business headquarters, mill and storage in Helsinki (the office building in collaboration with Väinö Vähäkallio and Antero Pernaja) and cooperative shops in Tampere and Viipuri.
Jägerroos’s architecture retained classicist features for a long time alongside with functionalism. He was quick in adopting novel building technologies. His work from the 1930s is well exemplified by the sophisticated functionalist building in Töölö which housed his own office on the top floor.
After the war Jägerroos designed the restoration of the Kotka Workers’ Union building (Gesellius & Saarinen 1907) that had been severely damaged in bombing. In the 1940s he designed schools around Finland.
The Jägerroos collection is rather limited, for his main life’s work is kept in the KK archives.