We produce the temporary exhibitions at the Museum of Finnish Architecture. We also produce exhibitions in cooperation with others and organise exhibition exchange activities nationally and internationally.

Current Exhibitions

See a list of exhibitions currently on view.
Current ExhibitionsBiennial Reviews

Picks from the top of fresh Finnish architecture have been displayed in biennial exhibitions and accompanying books from 2002 on. The biennial reviews are organised by the Museum of Finnish Architecture, the Alvar Aalto Foundation and the Finnish Association of Architects SAFA. A jury of experts is appointed for each review to select the works to be displayed.
Biennial Reviews
Alvar Aalto Medal

Alvar Aalto Medal, carrying the name of the beloved architect and designed by Aalto himself, was founded in 1967 in order to honor creative architectural work. The medal can be given to live persons who have gained merit in the field of creative architecture in a very significant way
Nowadays the medal is given out every three years, and it was originally founded by the Finnish Assocoation of Architect SAFA, MFA Museum of Finnish Architecture and Finnish Architectural Society. Later Alvar Aalto Foundation and the City of Helsinki joined the medal committee.
Alvar Aalto MedalChanging exhibitions since 1955

The museum produces exhibitions independently and in collaboration with partners, presents other Finnish exhibitions and imports international exhibitions of architecture. The exhibition halls on the first floor have a total floor area of about 260 sq. meters.
Changing exhibitions since 1955